Thursday, October 3, 2013

Houston, we've got a problem!

Well, it's finally happened!  My youngest has decided to revolt!  He is tired of being healthy and he wants fast food NOW!  It all started innocently enough with a request for a kid's meal for an after school snack. I decided to tell my little precious gift from above that I want him to be strong and healthy so let's think of a healthier option!  His response:  I want to be UN healthy!  I don't want to be big and strong! Give me my cheeseburger and fries!  Oh boy...

Needless to say, I've created a monster!  I should have never started rewarding the kids with fast food!  But, change is good!  I am hoping to create heathy changes that last a lifetime.  My baby isn't too happy with his Veggie Mama now, but hopefully (in maybe 15 years), he will be happy that I stuck to my commitment.


  1. Hey Yvette! Have you always been vegetarian? What do you use as a main protein source? Do you worry about too many carbs?

    I have considered the vegetarian option but I just LOVE some meat sometimes. I don't know if I could feel satisfied and full with a full vegetarian menu. And I actually love tofu too. I cook with it all the time.

    Thanks for your blog - Kathy Rockwell

  2. Hi Kathy! Thanks for your comment! No, I have not always been a vegetarian. However, I have always been open to trying new things. I chose this lifestyle for health reasons and because I realize that "meat" isn't really my thing anymore. Regarding protein, I like to find creative ways to prepare beans and legumes. (For example, I successfully made black bean burgers the other day!) Plus, you can always add chickpeas or any bean to salads to add a kick! You will be surprised how full you fill during the day.

    Regarding carbs, I make sure to limit processed carbs. So, no breads and pastas for me! I still with my green leaves and beans. I recently had an A1c test done, and my doctor wanted to know what I was doing because it dropped significantly since my last visit.

    Thanks again Kathy
    P.S. Tofu is a strange beast that doesn't like me very much....

  3. Your blog is very insightful! I love how you included your family on your journey! Its never too late to start eating healthy. Keep pushing you and your family! =)

  4. Thank you Thamar! I am trying to instill healthy values in my boys! This journey is challenging but it is also fun trying to find new recipes that my whole family loves! Thanks for visiting~
