Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Its a FOOD Fight!!

Broccoli vs Kale?  Which do you prefer???

Apparently, there is a food fight brewing between broccoli and kale!  According the the New York Times the Broccoli Commission of America is trying to create a make over!  They want US the public to eat more broccoli and are now staging a good ole fashion war!  Unfortunately, this war is with one of my favorite GREENS!

They are not holding back with these slogans:

In my household, broccoli is the ONLY vegetable that my little one eats.  So, which do you prefer?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Reflection of Blog Assignment

New Ferris Wheel Downtown Atlanta at Dusk
I have to admit that I really enjoyed creating a blog for my EDRD 3400 course this Fall!  I learned so much regarding the different platforms that can be used to create blogs.  (I found out through trial and error that some platforms are much easier than most!  LOVES Blogger!)  I learned so many useful things such as posting hyperlinks, widgets, and videos.  I learned the most from creating my podcast. (I am especially touched that my too cool for school pre teen agreed to be interviewed!)

I really think that my blog has been such a useful tool to help me with my own personal veggie project!  My whole family really became involved as I started on my journey.  I think that I would continue to use my blog to document the challenges and victories of starting my new lifestyle.  I am extremely humbled by the people who have taken the opportunity to view and post to my blog.  I really feel encouraged to continue to post my journey.

I love my son's primary school!  I am happy to say that our school received a grant from Whole Foods and now there is a salad bar option for the kids.  I think this is a great way to give healthy options to our little ones!  Also, our school is creating a vegetable garden.  The goal is to one day harvest and serve the kids the veggies that they grew.  My hope is that my veggie project is being reinforced to my 6 year old.  Hopefully, he will be fit for life!

What is also exciting is that vegetarian options are becoming wide spread in school systems across the country.  I ran across a wonderful story from New York where they stopped serving meat and the children LOVE it!  Read more:  Queens school that went vegetarian shows student gains

Health Conscious Rap! I LOVE IT

Such a fun and positive rap!  I just had to share!

In case you are wondering, that is Tony from My Wife and Kids!  Here is a link to his website:http://www.andrew-mcfarlane.com/about.html

Just for Fun!!

For kicks and giggles, I wanted to look up famous celebrity vegetarians.  2 celebrities took me for surprise!

Betty White!  Maybe this is the reason that she is so vivacious at 90!

Iron Mike Tyson! Mr. Tyson's transformation is amazing!

What's for lunch?

I just had to share my what I made for lunch today!

I made an easy salad with mango, black beans, cilantro, and lime!  To kick it up a notch, I added the spice, cumin.  Not only did it make a pretty salad, it was simply delicious!

I encourage people to try this simple salad!

Friday, November 1, 2013

My confession: I have an obsession with Kale!

I love, love.love KALE!  I think I eat it every day!  My favorite way to eat Kale is RAW!!  Honestly, I didn't even know you could eat raw Kale.  Did you know you can even eat raw Collards?  (Maybe, I will try it someday!)

I just started experimenting with different salads.  The trick to a successful raw Kale salad is to lovingly massage the greens first!  You can massage the greens with coconut oil, olive oil, or lemon juice.

One of my favorite salads I created is what I eat for breakfast!  I use the following:

Lacinato (Dinosaur) Kale
Coconut Flakes
Coconut Oil
Lemon Juice
and a Sprinkle of Coconut sugar!
Lacinato Kale has a soft and smooth texture.  It is perfect for a veggie breakfast.  Sometimes I would ad quinoa also.

I am also addicted to Kale chips!  They are crunchy alternative to the potato chips.  And the best thing is that my kids enjoy them too!  (I just didn't tell them what they were really eating!)


Well, I think I am going to use this opportunity to explore the world of Vegan during World Vegan Month!

I used to think that vegan was the most extreme form of vegetarianism, but now, not so much.  What I am finding out is that I really enjoy my vegetarian lifestyle.  Actually, I am surprised to admit that my diet moreso resembles a vegan diet.  I make a point to avoid all animal products.  Its really not to hard, because I never, ever liked eggs or milk.  (When I was little, my grandma would make us scrambled eggs for breakfast.  Unfortunately, I could never leave the table until I finished my breakfast.  I spent many a morning at the table with threats of getting a spanking.  One day, I thought I was being crafty!  When my grandma wasn't looking, I put all those eggs in my pocket!  Finally, I found a way to get away from the dreaded eggs.  Well, I was too silly to realize that I had to get rid of the evidence....well, my mom washed the clothes...and...eggs EVERYWHERE!!  But, I never ate EGGS again!)   Maybe I was always a Vegan in the making!!

November 1st is World Vegan Day!! How did I miss this???

Today is/was World Vegan DAY!!

Today is the one day when the people across the globe spend a day caring about animals, health, and the environment!

Honestly, I have been on a Halloween Candy binge for the past couple of days!  I needed this!  Also, today is the beginning of so many Smoothie challenges!  So  Happy World Vegan DAY!!


All the things you can do with PUMPKIN!

Seeing all the Halloween pumpkins yesterday inspired me to try a new vegetarian dish featuring PUMPKIN!!  

I am willing to attempt the golden trio chipotle fall soup!  We are having the perfect weather for it!
