Sunday, September 22, 2013

Introducing the MVP - Mama's Veggie Project!!!

My introduction to the Blogosphere has been made possible by my EDRD 3400 course this Fall!  Over the years, I have been a fan of many blogs that share my same interest such as organizing, decorating, and parenting.  It is really exciting to join the blogging community to share my adventures in Vegetarianism!

The popularity of blogs ranging from the silly to the more polarizing have increased throughout the years.  The article, "Blogging Between the Lines," by Dana Hull explores the ethical obligation that bloggers must adhere to.

After reading Hull's article, I was surprised to learn about the impact that bloggers have made in the world of journalism.  Many newspapers use blogs as a tool to attract more readers.  Hull's article explores the concept of applying ethical guidelines to the blogosphere.  However, the very nature of  free-flowing blogs makes this concept nearly impossible to commit.

Hull's article invited me to consider the blogging tips such as being brief and informal and vary topics.

Hull,D. (2006).  Blogging between the lines.  American Journalism Review.  28(6).  62-67.


  1. I love the visual on your blog! Excellent job and I can't wait to keep reading your posts!

    1. Thank you Prof. Pace! I am having fun and learning so much! My family is encouraging me to keep going.
